
How to Prevent Hematology Analyzers from Particles of Dust Pollution in the Air

    Hematology analyzer is also known as the blood cell analyzer, a sophisticatedmedical equipment, demanding the blood test, which never allows the dust particles in the air into the impact of the instrument. So how do you prevent dust particles in air pollution instruments?

    Dust particles into the air can cause pore blocking, the small dust of hematology analyzers count the results of high blood specimens. The use of vacuum blood collection system prevents dust from entering the specimen.

    Hematology analyzer in accordance with the requirements of the instrument manual, to meet the basic instrument for space, temperature, humidity, power, light, ventilation and other important condition to ensure the normal operation of the instrument. Blood cell analysis instrument operations, to maintain a clean, no dust, sealed well in order to reduce dust particles in the air into the blood specimens and equipment, non-staff not enter the instrument.

    Meaning of the blood analyzer examiner should be familiar with the instrument principle, operating procedures, test results, data, graphics, alarm display, detection of interference factors, the instrument basic debugging, maintenance, and maintenance.
The blood analysis instrument operator to closely observe the white blood cells and red blood cell count. Longer if one or both sides of counting time, indicating that the pipeline in the precipitation of denatured protein, there have been incomplete pore blocking enzyme cleaning should be carried out.
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