
CPAP Ventilator from Perlong Medical

 TheCPAP Ventilators from Perlong Medical have been quite popular and sells well both in domestic and abroad market, which also greatly helps Perlong Medical gain much reputation.

   The main models of CPAP Ventilator are NLF-200A and NLF-200C, which are applied for the newborn baby with stronger spontaneous breath and slightly respiratory failure, yet could not be used for the patients with no spontaneous breath, weak spontaneous breath, or the patients with Apnea problem.

       What is CPAP?

        Continuous positive airway pressure, known as CPAP, is the use of continuous positive pressure to maintain a continuous level of positive airway pressure.

        The application of the CPAP.

        It is maily used for people who have breathing problems, such as sleep apnea, or used to treat preterm infants whose lungs have not yet fully developed. As a therapy, CPAP uses mild air pressure to keep an airway open, the patient wears a snugly fit nasal mask connected to a cpap machine. The cpap allows the patience to breath freely by blowing air into the nostrils to keep the airway passages open during sleep.

