
China’s popular Microplate washer suppliers

    Microplate washer is a widely used biological inspection and medical equipment, the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, according to the principle of enzyme markers, coloring matter, and blush shades qualitative or quantitative analysis. This is a very viable immunological techniques. Microplate washer prices on the market today there are many, would like to know the specific models you can consult the relevant microplate washer wholesalers.

   Xiao Bian today recommended for everyone here Perlong Medical Medical microplate reader 9602. Perlong Medical Medical microplate washer is a leading supplier of production of Perlong Medical Medical microplate reader 9602 it can do Both qualitative and quantitative testing, quality control function, no external computer can automatically provide 31 days quality control data and X, SD, CV values. Powerful data processing function, no external computer can do 126 projects, auto-complete and accurate quantitative analysis. And Chinese user interface, HMI operating systems, large-screen LCD display can be displayed directly on the screen, you can directly view the results of the test and data processing.

