
10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor (1)

    Open communication is one of the most important aspects of the doctor-patient relationship. Utilize 10 key questions to ask your doctor to ensure you can get the most individualized treatment you deserve.

      1) How Necessary is This Test?
      Sometimes the doctor may ask you to take an x ray image, blood test by hematology analyzer or other test.Make sure you ask your doctor about the purpose of the test and accuracy of the test. Also, ask your doctor the benefits and risks of having the test. Ask if there are any alternatives for finding out the necessary information. 

      2) What Is My Diagnosis?
      After receiving your diagnosis, make sure you ask your doctor what this medical condition is exactly. You need to know what caused it, if it is contagious, and how it will affect your life and the lives of your loved ones. Also, make sure your doctor outlines any lifestyle changes that you'll need to make from now on.

      3) Are There Any Other Possiblities This Could Be?      Many medical conditions share the same symptoms, and misdiagnosing is something that occurs all too often. Make sure you are forthcoming with all of your symptoms, no matter how embarrassing or insignificant they may seem. Ask your doctor why she thinks it is this certain condition.

      4) What Treatments Are Available?
      First, ask your doctor what she recommends for your treatment. If your medical condition is rare, few treatment options may be available. But for more common ailments, multiple treatment options may exist, including alternative treatments that your doctor may be unfamiliar to your doctor. Ask about the success rate of certain treatments, the procedure, the duration, and if there are any risks or side effects you should be aware of first.

      5) How Can I Ensure that the Treatment Goes as Smoothly as Possible?      After you have chosen a treatment plan, make sure to find out what the do's and don'ts are whenyou are in the healing process. There may be certain foods, drugs or activities that need to be avoided, or maybe some that can be of some benefit to you.

