
X-ray checking may cause cancer

    Most of hospitals donn't have any protecting measures when patients do X-ray checking. But according to International radiation protection committee's research shows, there are 350 people causing cancer, leukemia or other genetic disease because of checking x-ray in a ten million population city. It is also that the state ministry has specific provision: doctors should adopt shielding protection of near x-ray irradiation sensitive organs when do diagnosis and treatment on patients. Then many hospitals don't perform it.

    There are a lot of people waiting for doing Computed Tomography checking in big hospitals of Beijing. But the patients were not told to wear protecting clothing. Then in foreign, if doctor want to do x-ray checking on teeth, the patient will wear protecting clothing for them before doing X-ray checking, doctors will introduce x-ray radiation process in detail and wear heavy lead protective clothing for patients and cover neck, breast and genital. In addition, patients should wear protective hoods. Every thing is ready and doctor will begin.

    For X-ray demage, Oxford University and British cancer reseach center research shows that there are 0.6% new cancer cases in British, Germany is 1.5% and Japan is 3.2%. It is caused by X-ray and Computed Tomography. It is most damage for pregnant women and children and it not only injure children’s mental development but also result in fetal abnormalities.

   In accordance with China medical association and radiation society, conventional check radiation is in the scope of human safety. But we should avoid unnecessary CT checking or x-ray checking. If you go to hospital, whether decide x-ray or not according to disease and not ask to do it positivly. You can ask whether MRI or B Ultrasound and other ways can achieve the same effect. You had better choose small radiation and ensuring the inspection effect methods. In addition, patients can request anti-radiation activly before checking. Last one, if no necessary, don’t go into neurobehavior exam.

