
10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor (2)

     6)  What Are You Prescribing Me?      Have the doctor explain to you what the medicine is and what is its function. Are there any side effects associated with it? How long should it be before the medicine starts taking affect?What kind of foods or other medications should be avoided while taking the medicine? 

      7) What is Your Board-Certified Specialty?      Just because your doctor has a license to practice medicine does not mean he is qualified to treat your medical condition. Ask your doctor if he is board-certified in the particular specialty of your condition. Only board certification confirms that your doctor has received the appropriate specialized training to treat your condition.

      8) What Are the Possible Complications Associated with this Condition?      For whatever reason, maybe you are resistant to getting treatment for your medical condition. If so, ask your doctor what kind of complications you could be facing should you decide to not go through with any treatment.

      9) What Complications are Associated with the Treatment?      The road to recovery may likely be a bumpy one and it's best to prepare yourself for what you can expect. Knowing what to expect can help you take action to counter any problems. It's also a preventative measure to ensure you don't do anything to reverse or worsen your recovery.

      10) How and When Should I Contact You?      Make sure you ask your doctor what methods of contact are available. Many doctor offices have answering services available for after-hours questions or advice. Find out what constitutes an emergency and what side effects or symptoms would require immediate attention.

      Last but not the least, you should know what inspection you need to do if you have a particular symptom.And you should learn to know what the application of a particular medical equipment, such as a hematology analyzer, an electrolyte analyzer, a microplate washer etc.

